Gent Machine Company

Hydromat impovements on the horizon

Our Hydromat machine (Legacy generation) is going through improvements and retrofitting. The improvements will allow us to boost production of an air bag part that has only been increasing in volume recently. The automotive part has increased from about 30,000 piece per year to 30,000 pieces per week over the last 6 months.

We have been using our screw machines for the production of this part but it has put a lot of stress on this department. A screw machine alone cannot handle this steep of an increase in volume. The only way to increase cycle time, although only slightly, and improve efficiency is to switch to a rotary transfer process.

After the improvements have been made, the machine will feature a vertical unit which will straddle mill a section of the part. The collets, bushing and ejectors will be changed. The machine has been thoroughly cleaned and units have been swapped around to accommodate the new process.

Although the process is moving along well, things cannot never move fast enough in the manufacturing world. However, the switch will take a lot of pressure off of the screw machine department and improve our output.


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