Gent Machine Company

CNC machine provides automation for secondary processes

A Takamaz J-Wave was recently placed on our shop floor to automate a secondary drilling process. The machine is a CNC controlled lathe that uses grippers to pickup a blank part and load it into a chuck while also unloading a completed part. This automation is a welcoming sight to our shop floor.

The parts being drilled are for the marine industry and have am estimated annual volume of 600,000 pieces. The part is first made on our Acme Gridley screw machines were we form the outer diameters to size and drill into one side of the part. After this operation they are placed in a bowl feeder which feeds parts on to a conveyer which presents the part to the grippers on the J-Wave. The J-wave loads the part, drills 2 more holes on the opposite end of the part and then the part is ejected.

We anticipate this being the first of many automated CNC solutions to assist with our production.

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