Gent Machine Company

An abundance of work but not CNC machinists

The labor force continues to be a problem for CNC machining companies. The shortage has only gotten worse as the pandemic has continued. Because of this, we’ve found new customers, looking for new suppliers. Their current sources are at capacity so they found us. This is good. Kind of. We have our own capacity constraints but it’s more of an issue in our screw machine departments. So, we need machinists in our CNC departments but we really need them in our screw machine departments.

Screw machinists have long been a dying breed. With the new technology of CNC machines, schools dropped the mechanical machine training and now focus on CNC only. This has created that large void of screw machinists. However, the pandemic now affecting CNC machinists and our country is in a critical stage. We must act before no one is left and manufacturing is gone.

This change must start with our country’s leadership. Unfortunately, they seem more focused on the shortage of healthcare and restaurant workers. Manufacturing has had a shortage long before these other industries but it doesn’t seem to be garnering the attention. Thankfully our local politicians, who see the shortages first hand, are taking action and have rolled out programs to get people involved. In addition, local organizations like Magnet in Cleveland have been formed to support manufacturers…but there still A LOT more to be done. Please speak up and let your neighbors know that one can make a very good living in machining. 

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